If your child attended school today (SK students), they will be coming home with the following important notes in their Note Tote (the large plastic baggie):
- Welcome to Team Hummingbird newsletter - this highlights any important information about our classroom this year, including how to stay in touch with us (via blog, Twitter and school number). This is yours to keep and refer to as the year goes on.
- Student End of Day information sheet - to help us make sure our information is correct, please fill out this form about your child's pickup at the end of day (i.e., is he/she a buser, or do they go to the extended day program). Please return this form ASAP.
- Student Information Verification Sheet - please make any necessary corrections to this form, sign and date it and return to the school no later than September 12.
- Use of Technology Agreement - this form is required by the school board, and must be completed on behalf of each student in grades K-6. Please return ASAP.
- Consent for the Use and Disclosure of Student Information - please sign the form and return ASAP.
These forms will also be sent home with our junior Kindergarten students when they attend their first day (with the exception of the End of Day information sheet, as it is filled out during your intake meeting).
If you have any questions or concerns about these forms, please do not hesitate to ask!
Team Hummingbird Teachers
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