Thursday, 20 November 2014

Being a good neighbour

This week was Anti-Bullying week. To help students understand what this means, we talked about what it means to be a good neighbour. We discussed how a neighbour doesn't just mean someone who lives next door to us - a neighbour is another word for someone who is our friend. We talked about how the students in the Puffin and Chickadee classes are our neighbours, but also our friends. The students then helped create an anchor chart that describes what good neighbours do. They came up with things such as sharing with others, saying kind things, not fighting or hitting, and treating others with respect. This was a good tie-in to our WITS assembly this morning.

The WITS program is anti-bullying program that encourages students to Walk away, Ignore problem behaviours, Talk it out, and Seek help (from a teacher or adult). To help reinforce this message, we watched a Howard B. Wigglebottom story about what to do when you encounter a bully.

The arrival of winter has meant some exciting discussions have popped up. Mme Natalie introduced the concept of hibernation to the students the other day, and they have come up with some great questions about what kinds of animals hibernate for the winter.

The students made caves and animals out of clay to "hibernate". 
Snow also means the arrival of winter clothing! We talked about what order we put on our winter clothes to help students understand the concept of sequencing. To help students remember the steps, we came up with this little rhyme: 

Snowpants, boots, jacket, hat
Mittens go on after that!

We also worked together to co-create an anchor chart to describe the steps we take when getting dressed to go outside. 
Tijs sounds out the word "snowpants" to add to our chart. 
Just a reminder that tomorrow is a PD Day. Have a wonderful weekend, and see you on Monday!

Ms. Quinn

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