Monday, 20 February 2017

Winter Carnival Week

It's Winter Carnival week at Georges Vanier! For details about this week's events, please click here: Winter Carnival 2017.

Monday - Family Day (no school)
Tuesday - Moustache Day and Favourite Jersey Day
Wednesday - Pyjama Day
Thursday - Crazy Hair and Hat Day
Friday - Winter Carnival Day**

**Winter Carnival Day will ONLY be for students in grades 1-6; Kindergarten students will have their own activity day at a later date. We also ask that Kindergarten students NOT bring a board game on that day - we have many games and activities here at the school that the students are welcome to enjoy, and we would hate for pieces from favourite games to go missing. We are planning a special activity for this day - more details to follow.

We will also be celebrating Kindness Week at Georges Vanier. The Social Justice Club has been busy making special kindness pencils and rainbow loom bracelets, and will be visiting classes on Wednesday through Friday. Students are welcome to purchase a pencil and/or bracelet for a $1 donation. All money raised will go towards Free the Children global initiatives we support. In the past, we have raised money for clean water projects in Ecuador, building schools in Kenya, and supporting health care programs in Haiti. Thank you for your continued support!


Thursday, 16 February 2017

Kindergarten Communication of Learning

Today your child came home with their first term Communication of Learning. This document is meant to give you a glimpse into your child's first term in our kindergarten classroom. If your child was in junior kindergarten last year, you might notice that this report looks quite different. Some information about the report can be found on the fourth page of the report itself, as well as in the letter from Mrs. MacPhee, our school principal. We also encourage you to also check out the information provided by the Ministry of Education, which can be found here. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the school.

Some important information regarding the reports:

  • Please sign and return the third page of the report as soon as possible. The envelope should also be signed and returned to the school, as we will use it to send home your child's second report in June. 
  • There is information about parent-teacher interviews in the envelope with your child's report. Teachers have indicated on the sheet if an interview is requested at this time. You are welcome to request an interview if you wish; interviews will be held after school on Thursday, February 23

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Valentine's Day

Image result for valentine's day kids

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, February 14. If students would like to bring in Valentine cards, we ask that they bring in enough cards for everyone in the class and that cards only be signed “From (your child’s name)” or “Your friend, (name)” and not addressed to individual students. This makes it easier for the delivery of the valentines.

As some students in our class have allergies and food sensitivities, we also ask that you do not send in candy or treats with your child’s valentines. Though certainly not expected, if you wish to send in a little something extra with your valentines, we suggest stickers, erasers, pencils, etc.

There are 26 students in Team Hummingbird and 3 educators (Ms. Quinn, Mme Brooking and Mrs. S).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!