Sunday, 29 January 2017

PD Day - January 30

A reminder that tomorrow, Monday January 30 is a PD Day in all OCSB schools. If your child attends the Extended Day Program, please ensure that you have registered them for the PD Day.

**Scholastic order forms were sent home last week. If you wish to order any books, please return the form no later than February 3. Payment can be made online or by cheque (made payable to Scholastic Canada). All of the money raised through Scholastic orders is used to purchase more books and other materials for our class! Thank you for your continued support.

Have a wonderful weekend - see you on Tuesday!

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

What math do you see?

In kindergarten, we discover math is all around us during our play. This often leads to lots of talk about the math we see, and sometimes we even have whole group discussions about discoveries we have made. 

Today during learning centres, students were exploring different shapes they could make using elastic bands and geoboards. One JK student came up to me and showed me a picture she had made on the geoboard: 

"Ms. Quinn - look at all the squares!"

Instead of counting them together, I asked her if I could show this to the class and see what they thought. During our community time, we share things we have created during the day, and celebrate the successes of the students. This was a great invitation to have students explore numbers, shapes, and patterns in one simple activity. As a group, we first made some guesses about how many shapes we see (or think we see) in the geoboard. We then discussed how we could check our thinking. 

Students were invited to share any guesses they had - no answer was "wrong" because we didn't know what the "right" answer was yet! 

How many squares do you see? Ask your child how we found the answer today! 

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Family Photo

We would like to have a special place in our classroom to display a collection of family photos. This would give the students a chance to see and share their family photos with their classmates. We would like to have a photo of every students family to display. If you have a family pet, you may consider sending in a photo of them as well. Since our hope is to display these photos all year, please do not send in a photo that you need to have returned, as we cannot guarantee it will be returned in perfect condition after being on display!

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy 2017 to all of our Team Hummingbird friends and their families! Hoping the break has allowed you to relax and enjoy the time spent together. We are excited to see you tomorrow, and are looking forward to hearing all about your Christmas vacation!

Some reminders as we head back to school this week:
  • Blankets were sent home on the last day of school before the break. Please return tomorrow so that your child can use them during quiet time. 
  • Please make sure your child comes to school with all of the winter clothing they will need to play outside - including water-proof mittens, boots, snow pants, hats and a neck warmer. We do go outside everyday (weather permitting), and with the colder weather, we want to make sure the students are dressed warmly. 
  • Please label your child's clothing - we'd hate for mittens and hats to end up in the lost and found pile!
  • Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for reminders and daily glimpses into our play: @MsCQuinn @MmeBrooking