Thursday, 15 December 2016

White Elephant Sale Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (December 16) is our school's annual White Elephant Sale. Kindergarten students will have an opportunity to visit the sale and purchase treasures with the help of a Grade 6 personal shopper. 

If you wish for your kindergartener to be able to do a little Christmas shopping please send them with their shopping money in a sandwich sized ziploc style bag with their name and class (i.e.,Team Hummingbird) clearly printed on the bag. (Quarters, loonies and toonies are appreciated  **Please do not send $10 and $20 bills)

For parents who are new to our White Elephant Sale there are always items at all price points.  They start at 0.25 and sometimes range up to about $5.00.  Most kindergarten age students do very well at the sale with $5.00 in change but even as little as 0.25  or 0.50 lets them come home with a treasure.

It is a good idea to send a reusable shopping bag labelled with your child's name and class to help your shopper carry home his/her treasures.

If you would like your son or daughter to shop for specific family members ( ie: mom, dad, baby sister) please send a "I want to buy for" list in the bag with your child's money in order to help the teacher and grade 6 shopping helpers.   **Please make sure the shopping list and ziploc bag with their money is inside their note tote (so that we can see it in the morning)!**

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Baby Jesus' Birthday Party

A reminder that our Birthday Party for Baby Jesus will be held tomorrow afternoon, at 2:00 in the school gym. The students have been preparing to celebrate with all of you, and have some very special songs to share. In the spirit of giving and sharing at Christmas time, you are invited to bring a jar of baby food, diaper wipes, or any other baby item to be deposited in the "birthday present box" during tomorrow's celebration. All items collected will be donated to St. Mary's Home.

Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend, celebrate and participate with students - please consider arriving early at 1:45 so that we can begin our celebration promptly at 2:00. Younger siblings are invited to attend, however we ask that older siblings remain in their classrooms with their classmates and teachers. 

We hope to see you there!
The Hummingbird Teachers

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

White Elephant Sale

Image result for white elephant

Friday, December 16 will be our school's annual White Elephant sale. All of the proceeds from the sale will be donated to families in need and other special charities, as chosen by our grade 6 students who help organize and run the sale. Students will have an opportunity to shop for items for their family members on that day. The school is looking for donations of gently used items that can be sold in the sale. Some suggestions include: knick knacks, books, household items, small toys, and Christmas wrapping items (i.e. gift bags, wrapping paper, tape). If you have any items that you would like to donate to the sale, they can be dropped off at the front office. Thanks for your support!