Thursday, 26 May 2016

New Information

As we head into the end of May (already - where has the time gone?), we have some information regarding some upcoming events.

  • Tomorrow (Friday, May 27) the grade 6 students will be selling freezies to help offset the cost of their Leaving Ceremony at the end of the year. Students in kindergarten are invited to purchase a small freezie for 25 cents. If you have siblings in grades 1-6, they will be able to purchase a large freezie for $1. Freezie Friday will continue until the end of the year!
  • Information was also sent home today regarding some upcoming hot dog days. On June 8 and 22, students can purchase a special lunch combo which will include a BBQ hot dog, a bag of chips and an ice cream sandwich. Orders can be placed online using the Cash Online program by Thursday, June 2. If you have any questions about using the Cash Online program, please let us know. 
  • Thank you for the overwhelming response for volunteers for our field trip to the Museum of Nature next Wednesday, June 1! An information sheet was sent home to all parent volunteers today regarding some important info. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know. 
Now that the warm weather seems like it is here to stay, we often try to take advantage of the beautiful weather by moving our learning to outdoor play centres. Students are often tempted to wear sandals, crocs, and flip flops during the warmer weather, but due to safety concerns, we cannot permit students to play on the play structure with any footwear other than running shoes. A reminder that sunscreen should be applied to students in the morning - teachers are not permitted to apply sunscreen to students. 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Muffin Breakfast and Open House

As we celebrate the end of another successful Catholic Education Week, parents and family members are invited to join us tomorrow morning for our annual Muffin Breakfast and Open House. Please join us in the gym at 8:30 a.m. for refreshments and time to socialize with the members of the Georges Vanier School community. Following a student-led News Show highlighting our school's acts of mercy, parents will be invited to visit their child's classrooms. We hope to see you there!

Discovering Me e-Portfolio Information
This year, OCSB students in all grades (JK through grade 12) were given e-portfolios, which would be used to highlight their success throughout the school year. Our students have been working with their reading buddies to gather evidence of their learning journeys and to create a snapshot of their school year.

To access your child's e-portfolio, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to and click on the "Student Portal" tab at the top of the page
  • You will be prompted to sign in - the format for the login is firstname . lastname (your child's password information will be provided to you)
  • Once you have signed in, and have access to the Student Portal, click on the box at the top of the page labelled "Sites"
  • You will see a link labelled "Discovering Me e-portfolio"; once you open the portfolio, you will see different tabs along the top of the page. Click on any of the tabs to see samples of student work. 
Please note: while the portfolios are updated and added to on a regular basis, it merely provides a small snapshot of the students' learning. If you have any questions or concerns about the e-portfolios, please do not hesitate to ask!