Tomorrow is our school Meet and Greet BBQ. Tickets for the pre-ordered food were sent home today. If you did not get your tickets, please send us a note in your child's note tote.
The Meet and Greet will begin at 5:00 in the school yard for dinner. A school year blessing will be said by Mrs. MacPhee at 6:00, after which students will be given the opportunity to tour their classroom with their guest(s) until the end of the Meet and Greet at 7:00. Parents and kindergarten students will also be invited to complete a very special project together during their classroom visit.
Please help keep our classroom clean by not bringing food from the dinner into our classroom. Please ensure that all food is finished before entering our learning environment. Thank you!
Please remember that Meet and Greet evening is not a formal interview - this evening is for you to meet your child's teachers, and explore the classroom with your child. Teachers will not be able to discuss individual student progress on this evening. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Some other housekeeping items:
- Pizza order forms went home last week. If you wish to order pizza, please make sure to complete the form and return to the school by Friday, September 25.
- Milk order forms were sent home today with the oldest Georges Vanier student in your family. Orders can be placed online with the Cash Online system.
- If you haven't already paid your activity fee, please send in your $30/student payment in the note tote or use the Cash Online system.
- If you have a student in grades 1-6, please remember to pay the $8.00 agenda fee by using the Cash Online system or by sending in the money with your child. Kindergarten students do not have agendas. Agendas are for students in grades 1-6 only.
See you tomorrow evening!