Thursday, 30 April 2015


With the arrival of the warmer weather, we have become gardeners.  The children loved planting their seeds and are thrilled that the flowers and vegetables have already started growing.  We are also watching the bottom piece of lettuce grow new lettuce leaves simply by placing it in a container with water!!




                                               OUR PLANTING SENSORY BIN                                                    

We have also started blending sounds as a pre-reading skill in French.  The students are catching on quickly!!  Please feel free to practice with your child at home.

ba be bi bo bu
da de di do du
fa fe fi fo fu
la le li lo lu
ma me mi mo mu
na ne ni no nu
pa pe pi po pu
ra re ri ro ru
sa se si so su
ta te ti to tu

We are learning these using song and a flashcard game and the students are really enjoying it! I hope to teach the sounds specific to French before the end of the year such as "on, en, an, in, oi, eau, ai".

finally, I am very sorry to have to miss the muffin breakfast and open house next Friday.  I was going to visit as it is my day off, however my kids' open house happens to be on Friday morning as well.  I hope you enjoy your visit to our class!!

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Dance-a-thon Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that our annual Dance-a-thon is being held tomorrow, April 17th. Please return all pledge forms and collected money. Students are invited to wear their beach/Hawaiian clothes and get ready to boogie!

Thank you for your continued support in helping us fundraise for healthcare in Haiti.

Friday, 10 April 2015

GV Dance-a-thon!

Today your child is coming home with a pledge form for our annual Dance-a-thon, which will be held next Friday, April 17. Students are asked to gather pledges from family members and close friends to help support our fundraising efforts. This year, our school's social justice club has chosen to support rebuilding the healthcare system in Haiti, which was devastated 5 years ago during an earthquake. We are asking for students to bring back their pledge form and all money collected next Friday. Students will be invited to wear their favourite beach wear to have a Hawaiian Dance Party on Friday, April 17th!

Also, Scholastic book order forms for April were sent home earlier in the week. If you did not receive one and would like to, please send a note in your child's note tote.

Thanks for your continued support.

Sunday, 5 April 2015


Spring is slowly arriving and we are welcoming it with open arms!!  I would like to announce that I am now on twitter and invite you to follow me @NCaceros.  I will continue to blog French resources, and larger "share" items, however I look forward to posting pictures more frequently as Twitter allows us to do so easily!

Following are some French Spring themed songs and vocabulary that you may wish to review with your child.  Spring time allows for such natural curiosity and wonder that I look forward to rich inquiries and investigations in the coming months. I will share these through Twitter and our blog.

Tuesday we will be celebrating our "cabane à sucre" French Canadian tradition in class.  Along with eating pancakes and maple syrup, we will view this little television episode "Mouk:  Le sirop d'érable" and dance to this French Canadian song "La Bastringue"

Mouk:Le sirop d'érable

La Bastringue

Following are some French Spring songs that we have been learning in class.

Chanson: Le printemps

Le Printemps

Cherchez moi, coucou coucou

And finally, some French vocabulary that we will be learning.
Le printemps vocabulary

Planting Vocabulary


Thursday, 2 April 2015

Spring has Sprung (sort of...)

Now that the warmer weather is finally starting to arrive, just a reminder that students should be dressed appropriately every day for outdoor play. Weather permitting, we try to get outside every day, and the yard is quite wet and mucky (as you have probably noticed by your child's clothes at the end of the day)! Please ensure your child has:

  • snow pants or waterproof splash pants
  • boots
  • waterproof mittens (extra mittens in their backpack are recommended)
  • extra clothes in their cubbies (just in case)
  • hat

Have a wonderful, blessed Easter weekend!